Let's work together,
so all Latino communities in Jeffco can thrive!

Yes! I support Latino communities in Jeffco thriving!

¡Ampliando oportunidades en el condado de Jefferson!

Vídeo en español

Expanding opportunities in Jefferson County!

Video in English

Focus Areas


We bring together partners to support schools through School Support Teams, fund after school programming, and organize a summer education program called Jefferson Success Academy.

Economic Opportunity

We start and support Latina-led worker cooperatives to help community members thrive economically.

Civic Engagement

We work with local community members to develop their leadership and advocacy skills. Family Leadership Training Institute (FLTI) is a proven program focused on training community leaders. We are also working with families to ensure healthy and delicious school meals.


Bringing Latino communities together to celebrate Mexican and other Central and South American cultures

Our Worker Cooperatives

Building wealth with Latino community members

Latest News


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